Bobbi Jo Kemble

I’m down two pant sizes and I’ve got my pre baby body back. And best of all I am healthier, stronger, and happier than I’ve been in years.

I was first introduced to macros in 2016 and had amazing results. But then life happened and I let it be an excuse to stop. I had my beautiful daughter in late 2017 and over the next few years tried to get back to my pre baby weight/body.

In April 2020, I found myself working from home, my gym was closed, and I was falling into some unhealthy habits.

My friend (who introduced me to macros originally) mentioned she was going to start macros again and I decided to join her. She introduced me to James and so my journey with macros began again! After meeting with James I learned that the 1,500 calories I was eating per day wasn’t enough – yes you heard that right!

Having tracked macros before I was familiar with the process but I have definitely learned some new tips and tricks working with James over the past 16 weeks. Having weekly check-ins helped hold me accountable with both nutrition and workouts.

I’m happy to report that after 16 weeks I’m down two pant sizes and I’ve got my pre baby body back. And best of all I am healthier, stronger, and happier than I’ve been in years.
More Testimonials
Azalia Rodriguez
I have learned to be smart with my overall lifestyle.
Roger Tolomeu
I have learned so much about food and how to adapt my needs based on my routine and training.